SureCanDo Computers 133 Marsden Road West Ryde NSW 2114 Phone: 02 8005 1005 Email: [email protected]
Please package your device securely and include your name and contact information.
Our opening hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Please bring your device during these hours.
Repair Type: {repair_type}
Shipping Method: {shipping_option}
Company Name: {company_name}
Customer Name: {customer_name}
Contact Email: {customer_email}
Contact Phone: {customer_phone}
Pickup Address: {pickup_address_line1}, {pickup_address_line2}
Pickup City: {pickup_city}
Pickup State: {pickup_state}
Pickup Postal: {pickup_postal}
Pickup Date: {pickup_date}
Dropoff Date: {dropoff_date}
Repair Cost ({repair_type}): ${repair_cost}
0 ? 'block' : 'none'};">{delivery_fee_label}: ${delivery_fee}
Total: ${total_cost}
If we discover that your PlayStation has a different issue than what was selected, we will contact you with a revised quote. If you decline the revised quote, a diagnostic fee of $88 will apply. Any excess payment will be refunded via your original payment method.